Daily Rucks

A Bastion Fan Project

July Special Event: Origins

To commemorate Bastion’s original release date on July 20, 2011, this account will be posting the Kid’s backstory as told by Rucks, in full and in order, for this entire month.

“Well he finally arrived at Caelondia’s vaunted safe haven.”

“Through twisted streets he ran with nothing but the City Crest and an old stranger’s voice to guide him.”

“All the Kid had to work with was his hammer and the clothes on his back.”

“The Calamity happened, just like that.”

“He saw nothing where the world used to be.”

“One night, on one of his expeditions, the ground beneath him shuddered, cracked, and split apart.”

“They trusted him to scout out farther than anybody.”

“In time the Kid earned good standing with the Marshalls.”

“Learned to build. Learned to break.”

“Out there, Kid learned to fend for himself.”

“In the history of Caelondia, nobody’s ever volunteered for a second shift on the Walls.”

“Why, he went right on back to the Walls for another five years.”

“So what’d the Kid do?”

“The money he’d been sending home was nowhere to be found neither.”

“The City had nothing for him.”

“Turns out his momma’s time was done too.”

“Once the Kid done his time, he hurried on home.”

“The elements, the Ura… you name it.”

“Thanks to folks like the Kid, the Walls kept Caelondia safe from whatever’s out there.”

“Make his momma some money.”

“School ain’t working out, so the Kid signs up for a turn on the Rippling Walls.”

“Having his momma’s hair did the Kid no favors while he was growing up, but he learned to hold his own out there.”

“Frail thing with pure white hair like his.”

“He never knew his old man, but he had his momma to take care of.”

“Fair to say he’s led a hard life, supposing what he says in his sleep ain’t no lie.”

“The past… Only good thing ever come out of the past, is history.”

What Is This?

This website posts a voice line by the character Rucks from the game Bastion (2011) at a random time each day. Rucks is voiced by Lo­gan Cun­ning­ham. Character artwork on this page is by Jen Zee.

The content is curated to avoid plot spoilers for the game. The daily voice line is usually picked at random, with the exception of special events during the months of July and December. Outside of those, only the most recent three voice lines will be available on this page at any given time.

How Does It Work?

This website is part of the fediverse. Search for @DailyRucks@fietkau.software (or this site’s web address should work too) in your Ac­ti­vi­ty­Pub-­en­abled social platform of choice, then follow the account to see its posts on your home feed!

There’s also an RSS feed if that’s more your jam.

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The Game

Bastion (2011) is a 2D action adventure game with RPG elements. The player controls the Kid, an intrepid young adventurer making his way through a colorful post-apocalyptic world. Explore the former city of Caelondia and the Wilds beyond, experiment with various weapon loadouts to scout out farther than anyone, and find out what’s in your power to rebuild.

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